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These are the memoirs on the life of Ilya Firzana. The third child of Mohd Arzanjani and Dzahirah.
Previous Posts
- I'm Going To School!!!!!!
- Alya's Birthday Bash
- Sea World
- Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Park
- My first flying trip ... to Gold Coast
- Potty pooing
- Broken Bike
- Vase Incident
- One size doesn't fit all
- In Loving Memory
- June 2005
- July 2005
- August 2005
- September 2005
- October 2005
- November 2005
- December 2005
- January 2006
- February 2006
- March 2006
- April 2006
- May 2006
- June 2006
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- August 2008
Adult Stories
Other Kids
Union of Bambinos
The MOBs
(Mouth of Babies)
The SOBs
(Stories of Babies)
Business Links

30 June 2006
28 June 2006
Birthday for an Old Boy!
27 June 2006
Sesame Street rocks!
24 June 2006
Taking stock (part 4)
The final part deals with my Language aspect. This one, I stunk big time ... Language
Sure I’m supposed to say “hot”? That’s one big word to utter. However, one word which is now in my vocabulary is the word “no”. No, I don’t say it; I only know the meaning of it. And usually a shake of the head comes along with this word. Head shaking is the best and “No”, in my opinion, is a very fun word to have. Then, there are other words which I’m also aware and understand too. For example, “come here”, “ball” and “kasi” (give - in English) Mimicking sounds is one of my favourite games. Start singing and I would start singing too. I may not know the words, but rhythm wise, I’m there. |
20 June 2006
Taking stock (part 3)
Now, for the third part of a baby’s growing up milestones. The Social aspect. I’m proud to say this but I’m “ace”ing this aspect. Social
I love playing games, especially those that have lots of action and sounds. For example games like, peek-a-boo or scary monsters with my funny bro trying to catch me here and there. The funnier his actions are, the more I like to scream and shout. I also like to play with toys that I can hold and throw. Then my temper throwing skill kicks into effect …. Hihihi. |
15 June 2006
3000 Hits
A new milestone in my blogging days. I thank all my readers for giving me the opportunity to entertain you guys. ”I enjoy using the comedy technique of self-depreciation, but I’m just not good at it” Labels: Hits |
12 June 2006
Taking stock (part 2)
Continuing on from my previous entry, I’m now assessing my progress for the past year. This second part deal with the Mental aspect of growing up. Mental
Number 2 fits me like a glove…hihihihi. And yes, I can build at least a 2 stack high cube, but you know what? I like bringing them down even better…hihihihi. I’m still unsure what handed I am. For all I know now, I’m ambidextrous. Understanding cause and effect? I wanted to put a Yes on that but somehow I think it means something else. I know if I dropped mama’s hand phone (cause), it would get her angry (effect). If I took big sis balloon (cause), it will make her mad (effect). And if I pushed the buttons on big bro’s Xbox (cause), that will make him annoyed (effect). Or if I climbed on papa’s computer workstation and meddle with his mouse (cause), he will go berserk (effect). Maybe yes, I do understand cause and effect. |
09 June 2006
Taking stock (part 1)
I’m 1 year old now. It’s time to sit back and assess my life to what that has passed and to what I want to do in the future. Being a meticulous baby as I am, I’ve provided a list that papa gave me. This list is growth milestones from 9 to 15 months. Let’s see what I have accomplished and what I need to learn doing. This is the first aspect of baby development. Physical
I think I’ve got the walking part done and dusted. Nowadays, I walked everywhere; it’s faster than crawling and cleaner too … hihihi. But what I can’t do is walk on grass? Why? It’s so green and soft. Running? Hmmm … why do I need to run? I don’t really bounce to music. Everyone knows only a ball can bounce. Me? I sway my arms around. Okayy … okay … swing my limbs like a helicopter. I really want to learn walking up steps. Low steps posed no problem for me, but those high ones are really scary. Asu has a flight of them. Once I’ve got this climbing stairs licked, I’m going to go up and explore the rooms upstairs … heheheheh. |
07 June 2006
2900 Hits
Now, a financial tip for all, with the Great Singapore Sale going on, I think all my aunties need it. Money is not everything; there's MasterCard & Visa! Labels: Hits |
06 June 2006
My Biodata
![]() Gender : Female Race : Malay Weight : 9.00 kg Height : 0.72 m Labels: Biodata |
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