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30 August 2008

I'm Going To School!!!!!!

I've been wanting to attend preschool this year but Mama said that the school does not have any available slot for morning classes. And to think I am being diligently toilet trained just to prepare me for school.

Mama had enrolled me to a Nursery level next year. And yesterday, Mama brought me to a Pre-Nursery Open House to let me have a taste of what it's gonna be when I go to class next year.

When we reached there, I was given a sticker with my name on it to be pasted on my shirt. Its the coolest thing. Then, we went into the classroom. Wow.....There were a lot of activity planned. I want to do everything.

First, I tried my hand in stringing a wheel into a string. I was even given a sticker for the job well done. Yayyy!!!

Next the teachers gave me a blank paperbag and a lot of other items to draw, paste & color. I had so much fun doing this. But the best thing, ... I get to keep my masterpiece of a paperbag after I've done decorating it.

Later, I played the Dig & Scoop. I had to scoop a few types of plastic toys out from the sandbox in order to get a prize. In Catch Me If You Can......I just need to fish out the plastic fishes from the water. It wasn't that easy.....

The end of the open house was a short story-telling in the classroom.

We met papa and big brother at Lot 1 for lunch. I showed Papa all the things that I've made to him especially the paperbag. He was very impressed with my capabilities. I hope that when I go to school next year, it will be as fun as today.

18 August 2008

Alya's Birthday Bash

It had been a long time since I've updated my blog. It's not that I'm lazy or what. I've been busy, you know....being a toddler. Okay... enough of the blah, blah, blah ... to make the story short, yesterday we went to my cousin Alya's 3rd Birthday Bash.

All my uncles, aunts & cousins were there for the celebration. But it seems that the birthday girl was not feeling well and was a little bit under the weather. Awwwwww ...

But enough of that .....I soooo loved her birthday cake. It had a pretty Princess figure on top of it. The cupcakes was nice and delicious too.

There were lots of party games played and they were organised by my Along , now the certified party games planner for children's party. Hurray ... I'm promoting his services to get a bit of commission ... hihihihi. And of course, at all party games, the majority of the prizes were won by big brother & sister. We rule the school!!! errr ... party


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