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29 November 2005

On your mark, ...

Just to inform you people out there, I am raring to go a-crawling. As you can see, I've the correct stance for the crawling action. With arms stretch and knees bent, I'm just set to move.

But the motion that I can achieve now is this. Not quite moving forwards more like upwards. Papa said that it will come. I don't need to lose my hair over it. He told me to keep on practicing.

But the more I practice, the more I get to this. What's gone wrong?

After a few sessions, my hands got really tired and I become this. Oh well, I'm going to keep on trying. I'm going to move one way or another.

25 November 2005

Restless nights

I’ve been tossing and turning these past 3 weeks. Last week, Mama said it’s a phase. Last night, Papa said I kicked him in the face.

It was purely accidental, of course. Papa knows it. But what can I do if I haven’t found my sweet spot to sleep. You know, when once in a while you get into that perfect sleeping position, where everything feels right, from the pillow to the posture. And you just don’t even want to move a muscle. Even to turn off the lights or go to the loo. Yes, you guys know what I mean. I see the nods out there.

Well, that’s why I’ve been turning the bed upside down. Maybe I overdid it when I accidentally kicked papa in the face. And his back, and his front and his …. Okay, okay I get it. I’m a tosser and a kicker.

Papa wanted me to go back to the cot. Luckily, I can’t because I’m still being breastfed and mama certainly does not want to get out of bed just to feed me. So to my papa I say, “Nye, nye, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh”.

24 November 2005

600 Hits

Already? Inching slowly towards the big 1000. And now Ilya’s words of advice.

‘Artificial intelligence can never fight with natural stupidity.’


22 November 2005

Natalie Portman, definitely

I’ve found a few of Natalie’s and Sinead’s photos. I think I’m more Natalie than Sinead. But whichever one you choose, I would definitely say that being bald, I do radiate an exotic mystery.

20 November 2005

The morning after

Here I am having my hair cut.

It was okay. When I heard that Alya cried when having her hair cut, I imagined that I would be on an operating table with needles poking through my head. But it felt more like a head massage when papa used his hair cutter. The whirring and pulsating feeling on my scalp was soothing actually. What an anti-climax.

Feelings? Nothing now, just cool-headed. You know, no hair just bare skin. ..hihihihihi. Mama said it’s going to take a bit of time to get use to my shaven head. Papa said I’ve joined his club, whatever that means.

19 November 2005

Hair today, Gone tomorrow

The inevitable is going to happen, papa just inform mama that tomorrow morning will be the day I’m trimming off my birth hair.

How do I feel? A bit apprehensive and sad that my beautiful spikes will be shorn off. Will I become Samson (from the Delilah story), where I lose my attractiveness and beauty? Or will I be like Natalie Portman, who even after being bald still exudes an exotic mystery. Let us see what tomorrow brings?

17 November 2005

Tummy ache

I’m having, pardon my French, the ‘shits’. Whenever I ‘poot’, I ‘pooped’. It’s been 5 days now and it’s not getting any better. And the worst part is, apart from the smell, there’s the surround sound too…hihihihi. Although I’m making fun of this, it’s really quite embarrassing.

Mama says it’s because she has been eating spicy and ‘heaty‘ food during this Hari Raya period. And since I’m still breastfeeding, whatever she consumes I eat some of it too. Now I understand why sometimes the milk taste different… hihihihi.

That’s the price of not watching what you eat I guess. It’s time to toughen up. Wish me well.


15 November 2005

Cool Stuff

Man!! I’m tired. Mama decided to go out today because the power will be cut off for 4 hours later in the afternoon. She said it was for my own good. Yeah… sure mama, my own good?

After a long bus ride, we met papa at this busy place. Lots of tall buildings, cars, people and windows of course. It was one hectic place. We went from one tall building to another. I was craning my neck all around taking in the sights and sounds. It was dizzying at times. There was so much to digest that I fell in and out of sleep.

We stopped by a few eating places where papa enticed me with my first cool drink. That, in my book was heavenly.

We continued window-shopping and I dozed off afterwards. When I woke up, I found myself at home. Man!! I’m tired.

14 November 2005

I’m going places

Now that I’m a bit of an expert in the field of dragging and the rollover, my exploratory adventures sometimes takes me out of the mat area. There were times when I reached the cold floor tiles and I had to cry my way out because I did not like the temperatures there. Then someone would carry me back to the center of the mat. And so another new adventure begins.

With such adventurous streak another ‘problem’ arises, that’s what my mama calls it. With my new-found agility, I become a ‘menace’ when I’m on the bed. Pillows will be ringed around the edges to prevent me from venturing beyond the edge. I’m ok with that because I do get tired out rolling and dragging my body everywhere. Its hard work for a baby, you know.

11 November 2005

Yummy Food

I’ve had another taste of the delicious food that I chomped down about 3 days ago. Interestingly, it’s in a different packaging. But it still tastes great though. And my mama finally told me what I’ve been eating, it’s mashed potato. Hurrah for beaten-up spud, bashed tater, squashed tuber. Whatever name you give it, it will still go into my mouth. Yum, Yum.

10 November 2005

500 Hits

500 hits. And going on strong. And Ilya says;

‘Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.’


I’ve got wheels

I’ve been given a set of wheels recently. And boy, am I grateful. Well, for one thing, I don’t need to drag myself around the house. The next thing is, I really hate spending time on my chest or back. It is undignified and puts a crick on my neck when I had to crane around to see my surroundings.

Let me introduce you to my set of wheels. I call her Speedy.

It’s a second-hand, so the COE is cheap … hehehehhe. I got it from my cousin Fayyadh. He’s the one going around imitating Tarzan. It has a good mileage on it. It has a few questionable stains on the seat though. The wheels worked fine … well they are turning…hihihihi.

Since it is an old model, it doesn’t come with front airbag, so my mama had to put a pillow on my chest. Well, in my excitement I tend to jerk forward into the “dashboard”. Thus explains the pillow. The only other problem is that, I do not know where the gear stick is. Because the only direction that I was going was reverse. Maybe this is a manual walker? Note to self, must ask Fayyadh on how to go forward.

Having my own set of wheels gave me the freedom to move around and to explore, albeit backwards only. Never mind ehhh.


08 November 2005

My First Food (really)

My parents have been trying to get me to eat soft food for months. They’ve tried Gerber and Rusk on me. But being the fussy eater that I am, I’ve not grown to like these foods. Why? Because these mushy foods leave a gritty feeling when they hit the roof of my mouth. And so, they are spontaneously ejected by me. Ejected ... you know like being spewed out of the mouth. What can I say; I’m a connoisseur of fine foods.

But today, my mama introduced me to another soft food. It’s still mushy. But I loved it when it first entered my mouth. It was soft but not gritty.
And the best part is, it was tasty. I’ve yet to be told what I ate, but the packaging looks like this.

I ate it without the brown stuff and it taste great. I think I’ve truly found my first food.

07 November 2005

5 months old and a bit more

Sorry for the long silence. The Hari Raya celebrations went through the weekends and then some more. It was a very hectic 4 days. I’ve lost count of how many relatives’ homes we visited. Everything went so fast. Starting out on most days at 11am and reaching home at about 9-nish at night. What a rush. And we’ve still not done yet.

How about you? Was your Hari Raya celebration as what you imagined it to be? I hope it is and much more.

Today, I’ve finally found time to blog my entry. And as always, a new photo for a new month. I’ve had lots of photos taken with different dresses and gowns. I was thinking of doing a fashion spread … hehehehe. But since I look great in any outfit … hihihihhi … I decided to choose the best.

Comments anyone?

02 November 2005

Festive Greetings

My family and I would like to wish all my relatives, friends and fellow readers

'Selamat Hari Raya'


01 November 2005

Oh! My acheing head

I’m not well today due to the jab I had yesterday. My body feels lethargic and is not coping with this sickness. My fever has been going up and down. I had woken up every half hour this morning. And I overslept till 9am and I still feel yucky! I hate the morning after my monthly jabs. Oh god when will it end?

I’m seeing stars now, got to sleep. Talk to you more when I get well. Bye.


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