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These are the memoirs on the life of Ilya Firzana. The third child of Mohd Arzanjani and Dzahirah.
Previous Posts
- The Party!
- The Big Day!
- 2800 Hits
- The Preparation!
- 1 year old!!
- 2700 Hits
- Jaws 6
- Anything but a sucker
- Furniture Climber
- 2600 Hits
Adult Stories
Other Kids
Union of Bambinos
The MOBs
(Mouth of Babies)
The SOBs
(Stories of Babies)
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Comments on "The Morning After!"
We wanted to get you a toy for your b'day but then again, your baju that i gave could one day be of good use to MakLongSha's baby girl. Hihihihi...
Now that's what I call, long term planning ... hihihihih. Don't worry maklongsha, I'll take care of the dress for you, {naughty wink}.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.