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31 January 2007

More Drawings

Mama found this email about how someone (another mother) received a drawing from her toddler in kindergarten. Here’s an excerpt of the email;

"This is my kindergartener's artistic rendering of a pair of scissors she just showed me. I wonder what her teacher thought about it. But I am so damn proud of myself.

I allowed myself just a small smirk when I saw it. I waited until she was out of my room before I started to cry from laughing so hard. I can't wait to show it to my husband!"

Here’s the attached drawing;

What? What? … What’s wrong with it? That’s a nice picture of a scissor if I do say so myself. Don’t believe me? Show a pair of scissors to your kids and get them to draw it, my guess it will be the same as above.


30 January 2007

My Biodata

Age : 1 year 8 months 1 day
Gender : Female
Race : Malay
Weight : 12.0 kg
Height : 0.83 m


27 January 2007

Me and my Toblerone

We were at Asu’s place a few weeks ago. All my young cousins were there. And you know when everybody makes it to the impromptu gathering, all Hal breaks lose.

Nenek was giving out candies and sweets and stuff. Looking at big bro and big sis and even the twins getting choco”licious” candies, I just tried my
luck, stuck out my hand and got myself a mini Toblerone. What luck!

And to add to that, my parents were somewhere at the 2nd floor so using some quick thinking skills, I shoved the candy bar at Atuk’s face and was astonished that he opened the wrapper for me. I couldn’t believe it; I’ve slipped through the system and got myself a ready-to-eat chocolate bar.

A few minutes later, this photo was taken by mama of me on Alya’s chair.

What can I say, the Toblerone was splendiferous.


25 January 2007

New blogging tool

Papa has just gotten himself a new toy. He called it a laptop. I've seen one of these at Asu's place. It's supposed to be a pc but lighter and flatter.

Well, I don't care what it is. To me it's just another tool that can help me in blogging ... that if I can pry mama from using it.

I've seen big bro using it and big sis peering over his shoulders trying to "assist" him. My time on the lappy will come.

22 January 2007

6600 hits

Here’s a conundrum, if you find out what it is, tell me okay?

For every problem, there is always one solution which is simple and neat.
The only problem is, finding it.


21 January 2007

Colour me good

One of the silver linings when it rains is that I get to do indoor activities. One of this activity is drawing. This also came about because I used to sneak into big bro or big sis room, grabbed one of their exercise book and a pencil/pen/crayon, whichever is available, and start doodling. After getting caught most of the times, my parents decided to let my creative juices flow with my colouring techniques on bigger art paper, supervised of course.

This is one of the masterpieces that I had done.

Look at the linework, the combinations of colours. Then, papa had to spoil my picture with the clouds and the sun and the swan … He should get his own paper and not share with me.

Here’s how I did it.

Prone is the way to draw. You’re up close to the paper and the crayon will glide smoothly with every stroke of my arms. Try it if you don’t believe me.

Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello … those ninja turtles can never come close to the colouring skills that I possess…hihihihi.


19 January 2007

Happy New Year

To all Muslim readers and friends:
Selamat Tahun Baru Islam, semoga selalu dirahmati ALLAH s.w.t.


18 January 2007

Unique Fashion Pieces

Here's one which I didn't even buy. No, I didn't steal it and no, no one gave it to me. This creation was made by mama. She's into this “crichety” crochet thingy. She took 3 months to make this. Why that long? Well, in mama's defense was she was bogged down with other stuff and projects. In fact, this is her third completed knitting project.

Previously, she “crocheted” (if there’s even such a word … hihihi) a nice pullover for big sis. Her very first knitting project was this knitted dress.

Don’t I just look great in the blue togs? It was only recent that I got to wear this because mama made it bigger, thinking on hindsight that she might not be able to finish it in good time. Well, that and because this knitted dress looks good only when the wearer is standing and walking. That is, opposite to crawling and dragging it on the floor.


14 January 2007

Rain, rain, Go away

Man, it’s been really wet these past few days. I have been stuck indoors for like 3 days already. I didn't even get to do my weekend walkies around the park and the nearby playground ... humphhh! This rain is a big damper on any outdoor activity. I don't like it. It's way too cold and way too dark.

Come on everyone. Sing the Rain Song so that we can play.

12 January 2007

More Books!

Here's something that is long past overdue. I meant to write this earlier but things have gone haywire these past few weeks. I borrowed a few books recently. Well, now it's not recent...hihihi.

One of the 4 books that I was allowed to borrow stood out. It was about hand signals for toddlers for better communication. And I don't mean "No Smoking", "No Left Turn" or "Walking on Grass is prohibited" kind of signs. Mama said it has something to do with me communicating my wants to everyone else.

"Yes, I know I'm slow at talking but you can't rub it in with borrowing this book mama" Some of the hand signs looks easy to do, like napping; put 2 hands together on your cheeks and simulate sleeping.

And banana; straighten a finger, use the other hand to peel an imaginary finger-banana. No worries, I'll do what I can ... my own way. And if no one understands me then it's their loss not mine.


10 January 2007

Another Blog Gap

My sincere apologies to my readers again. I've yet abandoned my blogging responsibilities. Papa has been sick for the past 6 days. And since most of internet access and my blog entries have been done with papa's assistance, I am unable to write my blog. Don't worry, he seems to have past the worst now, thank Allah s.w.t. for that.


04 January 2007

Long wait?

Sorry for the tardiness in putting my entries these past few days. With the aftereffect by the hiccup they called an earthquake and papa changing his connection to another company called Starhub and coupled by his meddling around with the internet connection to change it to something called a Wi-Fi, my blogging needs had been terribly hampered. So if you want someone to blame, blame it on papa.

Don’t worry, regular programming should resume promptly … I hope? … hihihi.

03 January 2007

6400 hits

This being the first saying of the New Year, I tend to be a bit melodramatic. Prepare your handkerchief, okay.

It’s not what you have in your life,
but who you have in your life that counts.


01 January 2007

Happy New Year

To all my readers, have a wonderful and a more meaningful new year Forget about your resolutions. Think of a change and do it…


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