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25 February 2007

The Return of the Biter

My parents are annoyed with me ... once again. I’ve started my biting phase again. I can’t explain why. It just happened.

When I feel annoyed that no one
wants to play with me, I gnaw on the person. When I feel happy playing with anyone, I sink my teeth into that person’s flesh. When someone makes me cry, my jaws just starts gnashing. When I feel ignored, I bite that person.

What’s happening to me?


21 February 2007

More Chicken Sickness

I’ve just heard from mama that Alya is now down with this chicken sickness.

What is going on? Does this chicken ever take a rest? Why does it jump from one person to another? Can’t anyone see the chicken jumping then try to get away from it?

If I can’t get answers for these questions then I better stay away from Alya and whoever else that have this poultry disease.


19 February 2007


We had a small bbq party with papa’s side of the family yesterday. Not everyone could make it. Obe’ Acik’s family went on a holiday in Malaysia and Obe’ Odin’s couldn’t make it.

So, with Obe’ Noh and A’ang, papa started building the bbq pit to start burning some food. It was a rather smoky affair to my thinking. But it look quite fun just the same.

However, before I continue, papa asks me to put in this warning;

“Kids, do NOT play with fire … ever”

The wives had prepared the food to be smoked, and it looks to be very filling for me … hihihi.

We had chicken and beef satay, chicken wings, fish balls and sausages and even big smelly fishes to be grilled. Nek Idah brought mee goreng too.

Here are a few more pictures of the great cookout.

While the dads were busy slaving away in front of the hot pot; we, the kids had a fun time playing along the corridor.

All in all, we had a fun time yesterday.


17 February 2007

Chicken Sickness

I’ve no idea what this illness is, but mama has informed me that some of my cousins are affected by this “disease”.

As of now, the twins Shukur and Shukri; and Mohd are now afflicted with this sickness. Papa said the sickness involves little dots on the body and a lot of the scratching.

Dots? This is an easy sickness in my opinion. And scratching, oooooo …. I love scratching.


15 February 2007

About an Apple

Let me relate you a story about an apple. A big juicy apple ... yum yummm.

We were on the bus ride home from Vivocity. Papa and I were sitting in a seat in front of this girl and her papa. You know me, when I'm restless, I start finding things that amuses me. So as the story goes, I began playing peek-a-boo with the girl behind me. We were having so much fun when her papa gave her an apple to munch on.

It was a lovely apple. A big red juicy apple … that made the sweetest crunch when the girl bit into it. Oooo ... I can just taste it in my mind again. As I looked lovingly at the girl eating the big red juicy apple, her papa realised that I was watching the apple, wanting the apple, waiting for an apple. So he fished out another one of those monster apples and I eagerly stretched my hands to get it from him.

Papa was by now giving me his "comical-disapproving" face, but he eventually thanked the nice man for the apple. With an apple in hand, I quickly sat down to munch down on the luscious fruit. Since I don't have enough bite power, I began scrapping the apple and what a heavenly taste it gave. I was right about the fruit when I saw the girl eating it. It made a soft crunch when I began to bite little pieces off as I got a grip of the white flesh of the apple.

It was delicious!


11 February 2007

Flu bug is here again

I am sick. My siblings are sick too. Even mama is sick.

The nasty bug has come visiting again. During the day, liquid oozes down my nose. Wiping it up doesn't help. When it flows, it flows. My body feels like having a fever.
Everything doesn’t feel right. Food tastes yucky. I feel very lethargic.

At night, my nose gets clogged up. I get very cranky when I can’t sleep.


10 February 2007

6800 hits

This pearl of wisdom is straight forward. There is no need for you to think about the whys and hows. Or if there are other deeper meanings or connotations. Take it as it is.

Every child should be given the opportunity to learn.


08 February 2007

Big Business

Since I could tell mama/papa that I was going to ... err poop, as in say "Yak" and gesticulate by patting on my butt, Papa had gone out and bought a Frisbee like contraption for me. And whenever I gesticulate the "going to poop" signal, Mama would whisked me off my feet, peel off my clothes and make me sit on the Frisbee on top of the pedestal. Then, she would cajole me by talking and singing to me, trying to get me to finish my ... errr business.

But who in the world does this pooping thingy au naturel? Someone hand me my diapers please. Really, I couldn't do it. It's so weird. So after a several minutes, mama would just relent and put me in my diapers for me to do it normally... woo hoo!!!

But what I've heard from my parents' conversations, they are going to persevere in making me poop using the Frisbee. Well, I'll persevere too in pooping in my diapers for as long as I can... hihihi.


04 February 2007

Walk in the Park

I loved going on my weekend walks through the neighbourhood park. It's like a small nature reserve. I would find things, living and non-living that would pique my interest.

For instance today, we saw a humming bird flying around, stopping on flowers and flying off again. Papa managed to get a photo of it by using some stalking skills and the zoom function. He had to, because the bird was jumpy at the slightest movements.

When, we went to another part of the hill, papa showed us his hunting skills. See that lizard on the tree; well he caught it with his hands ... ewww. The sight gave me a shock and goose bumps.

He then related a story during his growing up years when he helped tagged tree lizards with his pals whilst in school. Like the late Steve Irwin, he became a naturalist ... sure papa, I like to see you jumping on crocs...hihihihi.

Well, back to his lizard "tale", papa said that they would write a number on the backs of the captured lizards with permanent pen and released them back into the wild. I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

After, getting used to papa waving the capture lizard in his hands, I decide to kiss it before papa released it` ... hihihihi

And big bro wanted to have a taste ... hahahaha


02 February 2007

Hips Don't Lie

Ok world, are you ready for this?

I've just change my diapers to the size XL. Yeah, yeah, ... make jokes about it.

  • Your bum is so big that when you went to the zoo, the hippos got jealous.
  • Or your bum's so big, I gotta take three steps back just to see all of you.
  • Or if hips don't lie, then you must be the most honest person in the galaxy.

I'm a growing toddler ... okay.


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