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30 September 2005

2nd DPT Polio shot

My parents were very proud of me. I took the DPT shot like a man. Wait a minute … Why are they proud, do I look like a man?

This time I was ready. I was calm as the sea. But I became a little bit nervous when the nurse person brought the injector in. I knew of the initial pain to which I did cry to. I stepped out of the room quiet as a mouse. My papa was shocked that I did not bawl like a baby liked the previous time. I’m made of tougher material. I am tough as steel. And my ego is still 3 notches too high … hahahaha.

The arm is still sore though. But at least I can still move it around. How do you think I can type this entry today?

The only thing that’s getting me down was the fever. I can’t think straight and the headache was so, so, so … achy. I’ll have to sign off now because I’m starting to see stars on the screen. See you after my sleep.


29 September 2005

4 months old

I’m hearing voices. And they are my own.

All this while, I’ve been trying to communicate with the outside world, ok…ok… with the papa and mama person specifically, but the words won’t come out.

Lately, I’ve learnt to say small words like sleep, poo, talk, go away, but no one seems to understand me. They would reply by producing gibberish sounds and words which I don’t understand.

For example, there was this one day when I asked the papa person for some milk. So I said, ‘Milk?’ But he got really excited and babbled something like, ‘Baba oogu, baba oogu’ and made a funny face to go with his reply. So what can a baby do in such circumstance, I just had to laugh. And the more I laughed the more ‘loco’ he became. What a nutcase, but I love him though.

Am I speaking a different language? Am I talking with an accent here? Or with a lisp?

26 September 2005

Gathering of the Ohana

Yesterday, I went to a family gathering. There I met a lot of my ohanas, all of them I think. What you might not know is that I’ve learnt a few big words since I last wrote about my family members.

I’ve since learnt about grandpa and grandma persons. These are the antique looking people, I think older than the papa person and much more worn out. Then there were the uncles and aunties. These, if I can remember correctly are the ones that look old but not that old or look young but not that young. Then, there are the cousins. Now these ones come in different sizes and age. The oldest that said hi to me was about my big brother’s age.

I also met with my baby cousin, Alya. She’s smaller than me but not much of a talker. I think she’s still perfecting the art of crying. You know what they always say, ‘Practice makes perfect’.

And as always, being the baby with the impeccable behaviour and the center of affection, everyone wanted to play with me. I remember this goofy uncle of mine. Don’t ask me names, I don’t remember them. As I was saying, this guy was a bona fide clown, a stand up comic. The moment I saw his face, spectacles and all, I laughed and laughed. I laughed so hard that I peed in my pants and I’m not being rhetoric. I actually peed. He was that funny. I’ve never laughed so hard in all my 4 months of living.

All in all, that was a good day for me. I loved meeting my family members. And of course, they loved meeting me. (wink ... wink)

24 September 2005

My 1st Century of Hits

100 hits and counting. Come on brain juices don’t let me down. To commemorate this occasion, I would like to give a few words of wisdom. Baby-style. Here goes.

‘2 wrongs don’t make a right.
But 3 rights make a left’


23 September 2005

Oops I did it again

The inevitable has happened. My poo overflowed again. (See What a Mess, 20th July 2005). I don’t know how to explain it but it happened. But it was not as bad as the first incident, I must say. Still the mama person was quite resigned at the whole situation. Another set of clothing go bye-bye.

But what can I do? I’m just a baby.

20 September 2005

What a drag

The penultimate evolution of Man. Or Woman. That was when they crawled out of the water and lived on land. Or so I’ve read. And that’s what I did, … crawled. Ok, ok … not crawling per se, maybe more on the dragging side. Ok, ok … not on my own, maybe with a little help from another person.

How? Glad you asked because I'm going to tell you. I was on the mat in my usual prone position when the papa person lured a colourful toy in front of me. Being easily excitable, my arms and legs flailed wildly. Then, the papa person created a resistance using his palms behind my legs. My legs on impulse kicked his hands and my body suddenly surged forwards. I was like, Whohhh! what happened man? My legs kicked again and the toy in front of me came closer. One more such kick, the toy was on my face. Totally shocked, I ceased the flailing motion.

On hindsight, it was exhilarating. It was like riding in a pram at 1km/h. The need for speed … oh yeah!

17 September 2005

Ohana (part 3)

I’m getting dizzy. It seems there are a lot more persons in my family. There are a few older people, a lot more in the papa and mama person category and a whole bunch of big brothers and big sisters. Oh God, how am I going to sort all of them out? I need to sleep on it.

10 September 2005

Baby Genius

My parents plopped a cd called "Getting Smart with Mozart" into the cd player today. It is supposed to stimulate the brain juices in my head so that I become smarter. Smarter? I'm already a genius ... although my ego still needs some working on ... hehehe.

Did it work? Beats me. I still can't add 1 + 1. But what I do know is, 10mins into the symphony, the papa person started yawning and it infected me and I started to yawn too. I don't blame him, it was quite a lullaby.

At best, the music did soothe me quite a bit. Add the comfy bouncer to the equation. My eyes were dancing with the highs and lows of the tune. I haven't been this quiet in such a long period of time in so many days.

I overheard my parents talking to each other about using this CD as a tool to get me to stay quiet. Hah! Let me see them try that.

06 September 2005

Rocker by Baby

The papa person bought me a rocker/bouncer last weekend. Loved it! Sitting on the high chair was comfortable but sitting too long warms up my back since the padding is a bit thick.

The rocker has a lot of holes and it bounces and that rocks. And the angle is just right to watch the rectangular moving picture hanging on the wall. But sometimes I tend to slide down due to the bouncing motion. And when nobody notices my awkward position, I'll just cry and someone will eventually straighten me up. Sweet!

01 September 2005

My statistics

Age : 3 months 3 days
Gender : Female
Race : Malay
Weight : 5.060 kg
Height : 0.56 m

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