My statistics
Age : 7 months and 2 days old Gender : Female Race : Malay Weight : 7.10 kg Height : 0.67 m Labels: Biodata |
These are the memoirs on the life of Ilya Firzana. The third child of Mohd Arzanjani and Dzahirah.
Age : 7 months and 2 days old Gender : Female Race : Malay Weight : 7.10 kg Height : 0.67 m Labels: Biodata |
Whoa … 1000 hits. I feel faint. But before I do, here’s some words of baby wisdom. “I am not a perfectionist. My parents were, though.” Labels: Hits |
I have to tell you this story before it slips my mind. It was so funny but I’ve created a dispute between mama and papa. It’s about whether I uttered my first ‘legitimate’ intelligible word. I was in a crying fit; mama was too slow in making my lunch. So there I was bawling and saying all kinds of stuff, trying to hasten mama. When, suddenly papa went into a state of frenzy when he heard me said something like ‘baba’. Papa was adamant that my first word was his name. He went crazy with that notion and teased mama on my allegiance. But mama vehemently denies that I said ‘baba’. And that my first words would be to call mama. It went on and on, with papa dancing a jig and mama trying to stop the jiggy. What a funny sight. My defence? Beats me, I was crying so much I don’t know what I said. |
We finally reached the island at 10:00pm. We were home an hour later after brushing through customs and a cab ride. Home Sweet Home. And that’s the end of my KL getaway. It took 4 long write-ups but it was worth it. Now with that done, I can get on with the daily things that are more newsworthy, like my first words or my first steps or my first being first. Labels: Holidays |
The journey home was by train. Papa said it has been a long time he had been on a train and it would be a good experience for bro and sis too. We took the 2:30pm express train to good old ![]() Me? I think I slept most of the way. And when sleep doesn’t take me, papa had to keep me busy by making me play with a plastic balloon he made. ![]() Labels: Holidays |
That day was our last day in KL. Mama was busy repacking everything. From the clothes we brought here to the new clothes we’re taking home. The shopping trip was a success, mama declared. Everyone has at least 1 new pair of clothes. But the bigger stuff that mama bought, made mama happiest most. See for yourselves. 2 handbags and a trolley bag. ![]() Labels: Holidays |
Sound the horns. Bang the drums. Call the reporters. Tell everyone you meet. I have teeth. I’ve been sick and losing my appetite these past few days. My favourite brown rice and anchovies tasted flat. My morning cereal tasted stale. I would cry when the biscuits were put in my mouth. And now I know why. I’ve sprouted teeth. No, it’s not the Bugs Bunny-sized tooth. Come on, you know better than that. They are there. I can feel it when my gums grate on each other and it hurts. That’s why I dread eating now. I think… hold on let me run my tongue on them … there’s 2 below and maybe 1 above. I‘ll post a photo of my pearly whites when they are more noticeable. And if you meet me, let me have a bite of you so that you can feel my “chompers”. Hehehehehe … |
We decided to head back early for 3 reasons. First, we were tired, second, we were tired and third, mama wanted to go to Petaling Street ![]() Along the way, I think I fell asleep yet again and found myself on the bed in our hotel room. Yet, another Kodak moment. I think papa is just wasting memory space by taking pictures of me sleeping. Thus ends another shopping day. Labels: Holidays |
![]() After switching trains at KL Central, we arrived at Mid-Valley mega-mall. I have to say that the place was huge. It was bigger than bigger. From one end of the mall, I couldn’t see the other end. ![]() They had a holiday season decoration put up everywhere. And like tourist that we are, we just had to capture the moment. Where am I, you asked? Here I am. ![]() The place was so big that I managed to grab a few winks here and there. Here’s another Kodak moment. ![]() Labels: Holidays |
After a much needed and well rested sleep, we were eager to start the day. Mama said we’ll be going to a new shopping mall which she had been dying to go. It’s called the Mid-Valley mega-mall. She said it was bigger ![]() I had scrambled eggs and porridge during breakfast so mama’s not giving me my usual meal in the morning. I got myself ready and even had time for a little photo shoot. ![]() Labels: Holidays |
I went to see Tok Din yesterday. I felt sad that he had to lie down all day and is unable to play with me. He had a boo-boo on one of his toe and the doctors had to operate on it. ![]() I hope he gets well soon. No one should stay in a hospital. It’s just not right. Labels: Sick |
We returned to the hotel at about 6:30pm and I overheard mama planning with Obe’ Zai that they wanted to go down to Petaling Street that night. Oh no! … How I dreaded going down there, with the noise, people and the jostling. But it was good news after that; papa and mama had made a deal with Obe’ Zai that they would take turns babysitting us and their children. Yay … I’ll second that idea. So when I was placed in Obe’ Zai’s care, I showed her the skills which I have picked up these past 6 months. I showed her the crawl, the sit … basically I pull out all stops and charmed her socks off. Fayyadh who was already doing his signature Tarzan routine wanted to play with me but was closely kept watched by Obe’ Noh. My parents came later and all the kids moved in into our hotel room. The second night, I slept better. Thank God for that. Labels: Holidays |
![]() After a quick lunch, we were off to the Sungai Wang area. The place was packed. Throngs of people were walking and shopping. Mama had a good spree here. We stopped by for desserts at Swensen’s. My bro and sis each had plates of ice-cream which has a bubbling cloud thingy in the middle. One thing that made me chuckle was that big bro had an incident when he splashed his cold water over his pants. Hahahaha …. That was funny. Luckily papa didn’t ‘boil over’ when the accident happened. Still a funny sight though if I see steam coming out of papa’s ear just like the ice-cream plate. Labels: Holidays |
Mama decided to have a morning routine for the next 3 days. It was something like this; 6:45 Wakeup and get ready for breakfast 7:15 Buffet breakfast at the café 8:15 Return to room and rest. 9:45 Get ready for the day’s itinerary Sounded like a good idea and so we followed it. Not necessarily right on time but thereabouts. ![]() ![]() Labels: Holidays |
Yesterday, I was really sick. I had a slight fever and I do not know what’s happening but I think my brain is melting and is coming out of my nose? And it tasted salty too. Before this happened, I was sneezing quite a lot. The only reason I can think of is maybe on one of those sneezes, I concentrated too hard and squashed my brains. And now it’s flowing down my nose. Because of this, I find it difficult to breath. I think mama got worried by this situation that she started to suck the brain juices from my nostrils using a sucking thingy. That works for a few minutes until more squashed brains start to flow down again. I think next time when a sneeze comes by, I’ll try not to concentrate too hard or else my brain juices might flow down my ears too. I don’t fancy that at all. I promise to continue my story about the KL trip tomorrow when I get well. Oh! Ooooo … mama! … It’s starting againnnnnn. Labels: Sick |
By 7:30pm, we were back in our hotel rooms. ![]() And now I have to sleep too. Mama’s giving me the look. The ‘You better get off the PC and go to sleep’ look. I think I better play along...hihihihihi. See you tomorrow. Good night. Labels: Holidays |
We reached KL at about 2:15pm and checked into Swiss-Inn. The room was modestly pleasing to the eye but that was just my thoughts. All that matters really was that first and for most, it must be within mama’s satisfaction. ![]() We ‘threw’ everything down, luggage, bags, strollers etc and relaxed for an hour before starting our first city tour (or more correctly, shopping tour that’s what mama calls it). Papa decided on going to a market called Central before dark and then returning via a street called Petaling. Me? I just tagged along. I thought Central Market was busy, but you’ll never know busy until you jostle through Petaling Street. That place was jam packed with people. I got dizzy trying to focus on people, wares and noises coming from that place. I didn’t liked it and I showed it to mama, who hastily decided to leave shopping in Petaling Street for another time, which was all fine with me. Labels: Holidays |
I didn’t know about the family trip till the day itself. How my family managed to keep it from me was beyond me. I usually keep a sneaky ear out on the goings on in the house. ![]() The journey itself was uneventful. What do you expect from a bus ride? The only thing I remembered was that it was BORING and COLD. Labels: Holidays |
Let me apologise for the long silence. It’s a long story. About a long journey. And I longed to tell you all the details in these coming days. I hope you don't have to wait too long too. But for now, to shorten this, get ready for the truth, people. ‘If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.’ Labels: Hits |
Gerber, Heinz or Rusk, you name it … I have eaten it. Some was pleasant, whilst the rest makes you regurgitate them out. I’ve started eating various foods now. Mama says it was time. Some of the mixture like anchovies paste with brown rice can make you puke straight out but it was quite nice to the taste though. Then there was the banana puree with vegetable. And top it off with apple juice…mmmmmm….Yum…yum… |
Another big sis came today. It was Diana, uncle Shahrul’s daughter. I somewhat recognize her face but just can’t figure out from where I met her. So I kept staring at her trying to place the face but I ended up making her nervous. She was placed in mama’s care for the day when uncle Shahrul and aunty Ayu couldn’t get someone to watch over her, big sis Diana that is. That was what I was told. I don’t care just as long there’s another person I can play with. The more the merrier I say. |
I went to a wedding last weekend. It's my aunt’s wedding. As always, the event was noisy. The music was blaring, people were yakking, and tambourines were clanging. It was loud. I couldn't get use to the scene when I arrived that I cried to be taken away. And so I stayed in this nice shelter with papa. Away from the chaos. My brother and sister followed but they were pre-occupied with their game thingy. As the day wore on, I was being passed around from one aunty to the next, one granny to the next, one grandpa to the next. My parents welcome this because it frees them to do other things. Me? I don’t mind. I loved being passed around because I get to spread a little bit of love around and meet all my ohanas the whole day. By the end of the day, I was really tired. When we got back home, mama bathed me and I immediately slept like a rock till the next morning. |
That was the fastest century ever, which probably mean that you readers out there liked what you read in here. Well, I aim to please. “Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.” Labels: Hits |
Age : 6mths and 2 days old Gender : Female Race : Malay Weight : 6.62 kg Height : 0.64 m Labels: Biodata |
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