Mama’s Parental website had sent in this article on the progress of 17 month old toddlers. Let me share with you some of the highlights of my life.
She is good with single step directions and understands the word "no", which corresponds to an increased obedience at following commands and decisions. “increased obedience? That puts a smile on my face and a hysterical giggle there after … hihihihihi”
She likes to test the reactions of others and understands responses will differ, so you may see her asking someone else if she doesn't like your particular answer. She can't cope with frustration and her outlet is usually a temper tantrum. Luckily she is still easily distracted so it's quite easy to calm her down. Papa adds in “I attest to this, Lil Ilya would insistently tap my shoulder or knee after getting a negative reply from her mama. Her action is incredulous”
What can I say, I don’t take no for an answer … hahahaha.
On Fine Motor Skills, the article has this to say,
She uses her breathe to blow bubbles, attempt to blow up balloons and blow out candles. She scribbles circular shapes and can follow a vertical line with her pen with increasing accuracy. She tries to brush her teeth and drinks from a glass without help. I tried blowing the soap bubbles that big sis had, but only saliva came out. I’m determined that bubbles will be blown before year’s end. Yup, I think I need to upgrade to a drinking cup … mama, throw that sippy cup away.
For Language skills,
She follows one-step directions, and can say about 10 words, most of which will be completion statements such as "bye bye" and "thank you". What I loved to hear most are the “very good” and “well done”. These completion statements are the best since I get to clap my hands.
She understands that certain actions are often associated with certain words such as sitting up at the table and saying "dinner time", or getting out the pram and saying "outside". She uses 'no" very often and has learned to hum along to songs and words. I know the word “outside”, I love the word “outside”. When I hear the word “outside”, I would quickly get my crogs or sandals on and wait impatiently for the gate to open.
And the last skill, Learning;
She may recognize and tell you when she needs to use the toilet and complain when she is wet or soiled. She tries to copy adults and will imitate their behaviour and want to use objects associated with them, such as turning the steering wheel of the car, or getting dressed to go out in the morning. She has a short attention span so may become distracted mid-task and leave what she is doing for a new activity. She thinks through and solves problems in her head as well as through trial and error. Guilty as charged. Mama and papa was quite amazed the first time I gesticulated enthusiastically to my nappies to signal to them that I just pooped in them and now I feel very uncomfortable. But what, they don’t like was that I do not make any noise not even a whimper when I signaled to them. There ain’t no pleasing them.
Trial and error? What better way to test things out. I vouch for this activity, anytime.
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