I loved going on my weekend walks through the neighbourhood park. It's like a small nature reserve. I would find things, living and non-living that would pique my interest.
For instance today, we saw a humming bird flying around, stopping on flowers and flying off again. Papa managed to get a photo of it by using some stalking skills and the zoom function. He had to, because the bird was jumpy at the slightest movements.
When, we went to another part of the hill, papa showed us his hunting skills. See that lizard on the tree; well he caught it with his hands ... ewww. The sight gave me a shock and goose bumps.
He then related a story during his growing up years when he helped tagged tree lizards with his pals whilst in school. Like the late Steve Irwin, he became a naturalist ... sure papa, I like to see you jumping on crocs...hihihihi.
Well, back to his lizard "tale", papa said that they would write a number on the backs of the captured lizards with permanent pen and released them back into the wild. I rolled my eyes in disbelief.
After, getting used to papa waving the capture lizard in his hands, I decide to kiss it before papa released it` ... hihihihi
And big bro wanted to have a taste ... hahahaha
 Labels: Playtime |
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