More Teething Issues
Another update on the teething progress. After a lot of drooling, I’m proud to say and show 3 more teeth have sprouted through my gums. They are a little small now, but don’t fret, the pixies will tend to them like little seedlings in a garden until they are ready to be used for biting into tasty food. ![]() Labels: Teeth |
Comments on "More Teething Issues"
Wow! That's a lot of teeth Ilya! I've lost count of how many I have. But I'm still waiting for my canines. Hmmmm ....
ilya, ibu is so slow! she just realised that you've linked us :D.
wah, so many teeth already yah? i've only got 2 so far. ibu has been trying to get me to stay still so she can take pics of them but i'm making it challenging for her hahaha!
The better to eat you with, Ajab ... hahaha ... sorry, heard this line from the red riding hood tale.
Hi nuha, try as you might, but knowing parents, they'll get their way like this
wow...many2 can eat all those nice food. *drools*